September SPS Return to Campus Message from Dean Gibbons

Hello all,

September, and along with it our return to campus, will be here soon. The COVID-19 vaccines have given us reason for optimism, but I share the disappointment that you all likely feel as the nation and the world still struggles with the pandemic.

We have each had to deal with our own challenges over the past year and a half, and I recognize that the continued uncertainty we face only adds to feelings of frustration and exhaustion. If you could use some help in dealing with whatever you’re feeling, the Employee Assistance Program offers a range of counseling and other services at no cost.

None of us have ever been through anything like this before, it’s new territory for everyone. I do want to make it clear that we will continue to be completely transparent when communicating with you about the pandemic and our return to campus, as we have done over the past 17 months. Regular updates will be posted to the new return-to-campus website. I know that there have been a lot of questions – please see the FAQs below, which address items such as campus health, safety and COVID protocols, office logistics (lockers, air purifiers) and details regarding our updated dress code. If you have additional questions not listed here, please submit them here.

We will get through this, together. I’m looking forward to seeing each of you on campus soon.



Thomas F. Gibbons


Northwestern University

School of Professional Studies

Wieboldt Hall, Sixth Floor

339 East Chicago Avenue

Chicago, IL 60611-3008